Pilates exercise can be life-changing! People often ask me about benefits relating to muscle density, strength and joint protection. Pilates is a muscle strengthening system of exercises designed to improve your posture, physical strength and flexibility, an excellent technique for whole-body fitness, as well as a foundation for cross-training with other kinds of sports such as golf, skiing, cycling, football, tennis etc.



The Pilates method has proved to be the way to a stronger, leaner, more flexible body, greater energy levels and an increased ability to cope with the stresses of everyday life. 



The whole body is considered.


Regular practice will create a heightened sense of ease and awareness in the body, mobility will increase and you will experience less aches and pains.


Learn how your breath can change your movement: the Pilates breathing technique, provides evidence that the benefits of this ancient practice are real.

Look at yourself in a mirror and notice how you breathe.

Do you breathe shallowly into your chest or deeply into your abdomen?

How many breaths per minute?

Is your nose blocked?

Make yourself aware of these factors and then try Pilates' Lateral Breathing technique.

It's usual for me to modify certain exercises in order to meet a variety of participants' needs.


You work towards functional fitness, that is the ability to achieve strength, balance and flexibility to move through your daily-life tasks with ease.


          Get a rhythm going!